Michael Summerton

Michael was employed at Allan Gray from 2008 to 2017 and was a senior manager in Product Development. He is a qualified Chartered Accountant (SA).

Articles by Michael Summerton

Insights categories - Local investing

Fee transparency delivers value for your money

By Michael Summerton on 20 Sep 2016

Reading time: 7 mins

If you have tried to review your cellphone contract or home internet provider by comparing them to their competitors, only to give up in despair because of t...

Insights categories - Retirement

How to ensure your retirement income goes the distance

By Michael Summerton on 30 Jun 2014

Reading time: 9 mins

It is only a number of years into retirement that the consequences of decisions made early on begin to show. If you are nearing retirement , or you are in...

Insights categories - Retirement

How to ensure your retirement income goes the distance

By Michael Summerton on 30 Jun 2014

Reading time: 9 mins

It is only a number of years into retirement that the consequences of decisions made early on begin to show. If you are nearing retirement , or you are in...

Insights categories - Personal investing

Everything can be improved

By Michael Summerton on 31 Dec 2011

Reading time: 7 mins

We are obsessed with always providing you with the best service and hope that, if we fall short of these standards, you will complain. Your honest feedback...

Insights categories - Retirement

Early withdrawals from your retirement savings can be taxing

By Michael Summerton and Carla Rossouw on 30 Jun 2010

Reading time: 8 mins

In this article, Michael Summerton and Carla Rossouw provide an overview of how withdrawal and retirement benefits are taxed. They use practical examples to...


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